“Words lose their meaning. And the green sea and the blue sky lose their colour, painted as they were by the algae that kindly wafted oxygen during 3,000 million years. Are these little night-lights spying on us? The stars shake with astonishment and fear. They are at a loss to understand how this world of ours, so ardently bent upon its own annihilation, goes on being alive.”
Eduardo Galeano
Another Planet - Másik Bolygó
This Creative Documentary-Feature, shot on four continents, presents the hidden face of our planet and the general and moral crisis of our world. We can follow the various, irrational stages of defencelessness as the characters in all seven stories, all minors, accept their fate with quasi humility. The appalling everyday life of child labourers, child prostitutes and child soldiers is revealed to us in Congo, Cambodia and Ecuador. Tibor Máthé’s powerful imagery and Tibor Szemző’s magical music, create a dramatic juxtaposition.